Sunday, November 6, 2016

Anyone But Hillary!

They say politics is dirty but how dirty do you have to be before you are considered unfit for the Oval Office.

Here is why I think Hillary Clinton is not qualified to be our next President.

--  The Clintons have a long history of being involved with shady deals and scandals.
Whitewater, Filegate, Travelgate, Chinagate, Pardongate to name a few.

 -- Lack of proper judgement in the whole Benghazi tragedy. Not providing security to an Ambassador even after 100's of requests.

 -- Private speeches to Wall Street bank executives show she speaks with "forked tongue".

-- Illegal coordination between her campaign and super PACs.

 -- DNC hiring of thugs to disrupt and cause violence at Trump rallies and meetings.

 -- Received debate questions before hand in the primaries.

-- DNC colluding with her campaign against Bernie Sanders.

 -- Broke the law by handling classified information on a private email server which was possibly hacked by up to 5 different foreign spy agencies.

 -- President Bill Clinton meeting with Loretta Lynch from the Justice Department before the FBI director announces he is not pursuing the private server case.

-- Deleting 33000 emails despite being served a subpoena to hand them over.

 -- Access and favors granted to corporate and Foreign donors to Clinton Foundation and President Clinton , while she was Secretary of State. Their Net worth is now over $100 million and Clinton Foundation has raised over $2 billion.

 These I am sure are just the tip of the iceberg , but enough to suggest why she is not qualified to be our First Female President and 45th President.

 You are not going to hear, read or see these points in the mainstream media!
A very timid 4th Estate!

Anyone But Hillary!

They say politics is dirty but how dirty do you have to be before you are considered unfit for the Oval Office.

Here is why I think Hillary Clinton is not qualified to be our next President.

--  The Clintons have a long history of being involved with shady deals and scandals.
Whitewater, Filegate, Travelgate, Chinagate, Pardongate to name a few.

 -- Lack of proper judgement in the whole Benghazi tragedy. Not providing security to an Ambassador even after 100's of requests.

 -- Private speeches to Wall Street bank executives show she speaks with "forked tongue".

-- Illegal coordination between her campaign and super PACs.

 -- DNC hiring of thugs to disrupt and cause violence at Trump rallies and meetings.

 -- Received debate questions before hand in the primaries.

-- DNC colluding with her campaign against Bernie Sanders.

 -- Broke the law by handling classified information on a private email server which was possibly hacked by up to 5 different foreign spy agencies.

 -- President Bill Clinton meeting with Loretta Lynch from the Justice Department before the FBI director announces he is not pursuing the private server case.

-- Deleting 33000 emails despite being served a subpoena to hand them over.

 -- Access and favors granted to corporate and Foreign donors to Clinton Foundation and President Clinton , while she was Secretary of State. Their Net worth is now over $100 million and Clinton Foundation has raised over $2 billion.

 These I am sure are just the tip of the iceberg , but enough to suggest why she is not qualified to be our First Female President and 45th President.

 You are not going to hear, read or see these points on the mainstream media!
A very timid 4th Estate!